Monday, December 30, 2013

Disney The Little Mermaid Vinylmations!

Hey guys! If you followed my blog during my 2013 Disney trip, you know that the whole time, I was looking around for The Little Mermaid Vinyls, and had no luck. Well, for Christmas this year, my mom got me three of them! Yay! Luckily I didn't get any repeats, so I didn't have to sell any! Going from left to right in the first picture we have Sebastian, Ursula the Sea Witch, and the shark from the beginning of the movie. Like all the other Vinylmations I've gotten, I love the colorful designs! Definitely going to collect more to add to my collection! As always, if you know anywhere I can get a good deal on any, leave a comment or contact me through email. Thanks for reading and keep following my blog!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

UPDATE: Marvel Vinylmations!

UPDATE: So if you read my last Marvel Vinylmations post, you know that on my 2013 Disney trip, I got three of the new Marvel Vinylmations. For Christmas, my awesome grandma got me two new Marvel Vinyls! I ended up not getting ANY repeats and, as always, loved the designs of both of them. Going from left to right in the first picture, I have Captain America and Nick Fury! These both go along nicely with the others, of course adding to their awesomeness. Captain America comes with his shield, which can be clipped onto the arm, while Nick Fury does not come with any accessories. I'm looking to get more of these (without repeats) and if you know anywhere I can get any for a good deal, I would greatly appreciate it if you could leave a comment down below! Thanks for reading and following my blog! Sorry for the absence (Christmas and family related stuff). I'll see you all later!